
My original natto radish bowl!

       All ingredients put together on the hot rice,my original natto radish bowl done!!!


  1. How simple! And it looks good to me. Radishes of all sorts are available at our local farmers market this time of year.

  2. Beth F

    Yes! It is indeed simple. My opinion about simplicity in cooking is like a bad cook and a good cook can not help arriving at the almost same end results! LOL Have you ever tried natto? If not, it will be a good challenge for you!

  3. I think a lot of chefs would diagree with you on that statement, :). There is no cooking that simple...

  4. i had not heard of natto. I looked it up on wikipedia. interesting. I will have to look for it next time I go to the oriental grocery in the next town.

  5. Rikki

    On second thoughts,you're right and I was wrong in that respect. Before you reach the satge of authentic simplicity,you're required to go through the training,training,training period with your trainer or coach and make so many mistakes. A good example of this might be Haiku.It's so simple in its format,but It's so deep and sophisticated at the same time. Thank you for your input!

  6. Heather

    Your mind is filled with curiosities! Many foriegners in Japan seem to have trouble having natto because of its smell. But it's worth trying! I'm looking forward to your report about first natto experience!

  7. Uniflame

    Thank you so much for dropping by!

    I just begun learning the beauty of simplicity. It may take times,but I'd like to keep exploring its world.

  8. What a great post and you gave me ideas - it looks so good!

  9. I know that SOMEDAY I'll eat natto... *shudders* ;)

  10. Sheila

    It's healthy,good,and easy to cook !!

    But........ it looks no so good to me....LOL

  11. gnoegnoe

    As far as "trying Natto" concerned, procrastinating is a wise idea !! LOL
