
LindemanS !


This evening, I got two bottles of Belgish Bier at a liquor store in Fukushima. The left bottle is cherry beer and the right one is apple beer. I think fruit beer is tend to be weak in alcohol. Both bottles say their percentage of ALC is 3.5, which seems to be not strong compared with ordinary beer. I like European beer,say, the famous Heineken, because it's usually not so bitter. Bitter beer is good only within the first couple of gulps. On the other hand, Belgish or German beer usually stays pleasant to drink through the whole bottle.(Heineken is  Dutch beer,most popular European beer in Japan ) Come to think of Germany, I studied German for five years back in my college days.Unfortunately,most of what I studied has gone somewhere from my brain. All the same,I still have my interests in German,so I just started learning it again. Studing foriegn languages is one of the best ways to widen your perspectives!

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